I just keep trying. I really don't know why I can't keep anything sorted. Is it me? Is it the family? All of us? 

But here I go again. I've sorted out this room at least once a year for the last 10 years, but no matter what, it ends up a junk room. Old furniture from when the big kids moved around or back in, bikes, old games, DVDs, books, books, and books, home ed resources, boxes of Lego, play mobile, toys that are worth saving. Just in case there's  ever grandkids. 

I wanted some Really Useful Boxes for months but all the places that used to sell them have closed, so I had to order them online. Thought I ordered 4, turns out it was 8. 🤦 But it looks like they'll all get used 

I'm just disgusted with the amount of packaging. Cardboard, bubble wrap, tape, all in ridiculous amounts because I couldn't go to a shop. Amazon and the appalling state of property ownership and rents all contributing to excess waste. 

But I'm trying to reuse the cardboard boxes for charity shops, and getting rid of educational resources we'll never use. I'm also binning a lot. Going to get rid of the 5X5 Kallax unit which just accumulates crap. I'm hoping that I'll be forced to get rid!

The middle room could be a nice room. It used to be a nice room?! And it's warm in winter and cool in summer so would great for the new canine member of the family!

Fingers crossed that I can do it this time. I have actually been getting lots done since my double hip replacements. The garden is being sorted, but I'll post about that another time. And we'll have to get back up in the loft again since Ruby had moved out, leaving some stuff. 

But for now, concentrating on this room. A job means I may be able to afford adequate furniture and shelving, and plaster repairs, new carpet, and a new dog bed to take up half the floor space . 😆


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