Only 4 days later

The Wee One is at Wood School today so Al got the day off work. He and I have been SORTING all day long. It is now 9 o'clock and the Wee One is here distracting me in spite of the fact that she has already been put to bed and I have sat down to a glass of wine and a blog post.

We started on junk room number 1 today, a.k.a. the study. We called it the study because it had loads of books and activities and educational materials and the computer in it. It has all the passports and bank statements and mortgage info stored in there...somewhere.  But is has been the junk room for a long time, hence it's honour in being junk room #1. It has also had bikes and piles of stuff and all those  boxes of random stuff that get cleared out of other rooms when we need to do an emergency tidy. ( I know you all do that too!) :-)

So basically, while I have enough educational materials to home educate all 5 children all over again, I can't actually find any of it or get to any of it.

Three days ago, it looked like this.

Although a lot of that is simply because many of those things came off the shelves which have been moved up to the loft room. There is a piano in there as well which got moved in there nearly 3 months ago so we could have room for a Christmas tree in the front room. 

Last night when I got home from work I prepared the room for us getting in there. I didn't really do any sorting although I did end up with a few books for the charity shop.

Al moved the piano back into the front room where it is going to stay and we had some room to get started this morning. We cleared those 5x5 IKEA shelves behind the piano and put it against the other wall and then started sorting and putting the things we want to keep back on it. PHEW.

Several hours later, after a trip to the charity shop to deliver 2 more boxes and a trip to the tip to empty another boot full of crap and much paper recycling, it looked like this.

The best news is that we found the expensive Staedtler marker pens I bought myself about 7 years ago and have not been able to find. There are two packs of them which I have yet to check for usability as the excitement of finding them was too overwhelming.  :-)

Not done yet, but much, much better and worth noting. There are these boxes of papers and things to sort out. Some of it will be important. Some of it is bank statements from 2002.  Who knows what else there is? But this is a job for another day.

And the bikes and trailer are in the kitchen. But hey, it is all getting better. PHEW.


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