It was a very busy weekend

But not because of decluttering.
There was work for me.
There was work for Al.
There was violin for the Wee One.
There was dance for the Wee One.
There was shopping.
There was an outing to the cinema.
There was footware and luggage bought for the Meister.
And probably other stuff that I have forgotten.

Then Monday happened and the boy came  by to help load the car. Unwanted book case and table gone to the charity shop. Small table and bedside cabinet came home from the charity shop as well. Three boxes of paper recycling gone to the tip along with a big bag of rubbish and little bag of rubbish. :-)

Wednesday Al had off work again. Another trip to the tip to get rid of the piece of wood on wheels which was our old desk chair and has been replaced by a new (but slightly used) chair.  And the packaging for the new Arkelstorp. Yes we have been to IKEA. Needed a rug and a collapsible table to use to play games.

So the table can be covered in toys that have been at the bottom of a pile of crap for a long time. :-) 


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