Talking about it

I keep having to talk about what we have accomplished in order to keep moving forward. I didn't get a lot done yesterday as I was soooo tired, but also because the regulare things needed doing like laundry and spending time with the Wee One.

Today I have been going through the boxes. Two huge boxes of paperwork regarding the house, banking, bills, car, adn apparently every waranty we have ever had from the windows that we no longer have to the trampoline which is in the garden in bits.

Bank statements from 1998 from an account we no longer have. I think we organised things into files and then after a few years we actually stopped adding to them and they just were there taking up space. It is all overwhelming.

But marking progress. In the boot of the car are two bags of rubbish, one big and one little; two boxes of paper recyling and a box of books for the charity shop.


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