Not much progress but at least no reversion

I feel like not much has happened since last I posted. Not much in the way of clearing out has happened. But there are things to be pleased about. I look around and things that have been cleared are staying fairly clear.

The sideboard is still clear. The laundry is getting put away if not straight away, then fairly soon after drying. :) The living room and study are still relatively nicer rooms to be in then they used to be and they are staying relatively nice and not too full of crap. The crap is usually the Wee One's toys and socks and shoes and Lego and art and you get the idea. But at least when it is time to tidy it up, there is a place for it to go.

So it is like we have hit a bit of a plateau for the time being, but it is not a terrible plateau. We need time to make plans, sort storage, and still go through old paperwork that is in boxes waiting to be gone through. We also  need time to train the young one in organising and tidying. It appears to have taken me 50 years to learn this. Maybe she will be a quicker learner. :)


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