
I have a strange relationship with drawers. I love them. I covet them. My knackered old kitchen has no drawers. Although the sideboard we were given does have three, so the cutlery has someplace to go. :)

But they are often dead spaces as well. Stuff gets put in them, and then stays there. Clothes, puzzles, games, all sorts of stuff.

I have not done much sorting lately. Life is too busy. I have managed a couple of drawers.

It started with another job, as it usually does. I was sorting the laundry and needed someplace to put the towels. The chest of drawers I had sorted for the towels and bedding when I sorted the loft was full. But it was full of old towels, torn towels, ones that had shown up in our house by magic and not the ones we actually use.

So I sorted it. Binned some and took others downstairs to put in the kitchen drawer which has cleanup cloths and tea towels in.  But I had to sort that drawer as well. The placemats and candles that have been in there unused for over a decade are gone.

And now I can say, "Towels are in the green chest of drawers upstairs."  "Get a cloth from the middle drawer of the side board."  Foil and clingfilm and tea lights are in the bottom drawer of the side board."

I know where things are. Some things. Still working on it.


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