It's Spring again

There is definitley something about this time of year that motivates me. Here I go again. Still Trying.

This time though it is timely as we have had lots of people living here. Three of the over 20 brigade of offspring and one of their partners moved back in for a short while. One came back last August and 3 more in October who were patiently sharing the loft while they got jobs and a new place to live.

That happened a couple of weeks ago and watching all of their sorting out has motivated me to get back to my sorting out. Of course the extra space is helpful too. :)

I have only managed little bits because of time and busy lives and work and all the regular family scheduled things. But more stuff sorted out for the charity shop and the tip/recycling centre and an actual trip out to get rid of actual sorted out stuff is making me feel productive!

I have also gone through the stuff in the window sill in the kitchen which is supposed to be for arts and craft but is so convoluted that nothing gets used. Old drying out paints are gone. Old nature basket full of rotten conkers and pine cones is gone. Boxes of rocks are gone. Too much plastic crap is gone.

We have been working towards having some work done on the house to make it nice. Space is needed to move stuff around. I wander what it would be like to have a nice house? But it looks like the lack of money rather than the lack of time and tidiness will prevent or at least postpone that.

So if anybody out there has a spare £30,000?

Or a skip...



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